Homeowner’s Checklist in Selecting a Roofing Contractor

  1. Secure a written contract detailing all aspects of your roofing project, including material to be used, color, method of installation and total price of contract.
  2. Call on references from past customers. Any contractor can provide two or three; ask for many in your particular zip code.
  3. Call the material suppliers to verify the contractor’s financial standing; many contractors use the proceeds from your job to pay for the materials for past jobs. You don’t want to pay twice for your materials.
  4. When removing an existing roof, care should be taken to protect surrounding landscaping and debris should be cleaned up daily. Protect your landscaping by covering it, if possible.
  5. If you need to replace an air conditioning unit, add insulation to cathedral ceilings, or fumigate in accessible attic areas, now, with the roof off, is a good time to plan this

“This information is intended to help you in selecting a roofing contractor who will install your roof for a fair price, using quality materials, with as little inconvenience to you as possible.”

We want to be that contractor.

Call Us Today At (925) 682-3473 | (925) 283-2995

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